Discover, Collaborate and Share AI artifacts Train and Deploy ML models
with just a few clicks
Search for the best AI content (labeled datasets, notebooks,
pre-trained models, deployment-ready solutions & pipelines)
produced by open-source projects or shared by other users.
Manage your datasets and train your models with a few clicks
on our no-code AI platform.
Deploy your models to on-premise or cloud environments with
the click of a button. Monitor your model performance in a
centralized dashboard.
Promote reuse, and increase productivity by sharing your AI
Artifacts – notebooks, partially trained models, algorithms,
AI Resources
Models are building blocks for ML systems. They provide the output of a training process which should represent a real world process.
Want to become "AI First" business or apply AI and ML to your business but don't know where to start? We are cataloging all AI use cases across wide variety of industries and Functional Areas.